About 'southern baptist schools'|...Baptists always had separate Sunday School classes for boys... & women. The Southern Baptists always had some separate function...
Recently, as an American, I've noticed that we are at another point of rising attention to religion in politics. For full disclosure, I'm a registered Republican, a Christian who religiously participates in a Southern Baptist Church, a graduate-school educated businessperson. On the political spectrum, I'm a moderate Republican with Libertarian leanings. Here's why I'm disappointed in my "church friends" and people that I see every Sunday looking at the Republican primary. The first issue that I see hurting Christians in politics is abortion. Abortion became legal due to a Supreme Court ruling about privacy and the rights of women, in 1973. Abortion has been legal under the presidential leadership of five Republican presidents: Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bush. The last Republican president had a Republican Senate AND House of Representatives for four years, and a Supreme Court that was appointed in the majority by Republican Presidents. Abortion did not become illegal for two reasons. One, practically and legally speaking, the system has decided that abortion is a legal right that women have. You can disagree and call the Supreme Court baby killers until you are blue in the face, but they ruled on the issue of privacy and the right's of the individual. People that think that a president is going to overturn abortion simply don't understand how the American system of government works. The second reason is that practically speaking, it is not going to happen. Most American's don't like the idea of abortion, but most American's also don't think the government should completely outlaw it. With modern medical technology that has come around since abortion was legal, people are able to see severe defects or issues that might result in a long pregnancy that ends in a terrible, painful, few hour life for a baby if they don't miscarry. That abortion might still be morally "wrong" in some people's opinion, but not enough to get a Constitutional amendment to pass to outlaw it. Let's not forget the fact that nobody under the age of 40 can remember a time in their life when abortion was not legal. I personally am against abortion and would recommend against it to people, but I'm not expecting the government to solve it. I am also personally against drinking alcohol, but I realize that prohibition was a horrible failure. Giving money to help un-wed mothers, and opening centers to care for children and help adoptive parents is the role of Christians. That is similar to why church's now often host space for AA meetings and support groups for other problems that might be legal but "bad." Making Christianity attractive to scared unwed mothers is the role of the Church. However, holding protests, and using a litmus test that every person who runs for political office must react explicitly against the last four decades of established law is not solving a problem. Some people might disagree with my earlier assertion based on history that the "president can't change abortion" and that is fine. But I don't understand why in the election of the local school board, or the city council, why people feel the need to have an explicitly stated stance on whether abortion is legal. I'm pretty sure that in the grand scheme of things, how the local "district 5 school board member" feels about the legal status of abortion isn't going to change anything, but I get fliers that have that as one of their top 5 platform issues. How many anti-abortion, Republican politicians have we elected that have been caught in affairs, and relationships with boys, or stealing money or participating in all kinds of corruption that got the endorsement of their local Church simply because they were "pro-life"? I've personally visited family and had been to a devote, small-town church in mid-America and had a certain Congressman stand up and give an anti-abortion speech about the "evils of Washington" two weeks before he was outed and resigned after having an affair with a staffer in his district. The next issue is what I'll call "wanting the government to love religion," which covers things like "prayer in schools." I recently heard a missionary from China explaining to a group of American Christians how good we had things here, and some people expressed a sentiment of "Well yeah, it's good now, but in a few more years with the government hating religion, we'll be like Europe." This made my head hurt, because the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Church basically sprang out of Europe. The Vatican holds a status similar to Washington D.C. in Italy. Many European nations have an official state religion. As a college student, I traveled to Denmark, which is a Lutheran country, and people's taxes go to support the Church and it is government endorsed. Virtually nobody in Denmark goes to Church on Sunday and the culture is far more secular than the United States. I went into at least five of the largest churches in Denmark, and they were museums run by the state. Let's face it, a government getting wrapped up in a religion is just one way for religion to become more corrupt than it already is. Look what happened to our healthcare system with the creation of medicare and suddenly electic scooters that cost over $20,000 dot the front-door steps of carports in Florida. When I turn on the news, and I heard about public school teachers molesting children, the last thing that I want is that teacher to have been mandated to lead those kids in prayer each day, or to be the one to explain the 10 Commandments to them. I don't follow Islam, but I do know that the Islamic Church/State regimes that have risen in places like Iran, have brutally corrupted their religion to abuse their people. Christianity has been used that way in the past if you look at European history. I write this not to promote a political idealogy, or to suggest that Christians are hypocrites or anything like that. I write this, because as a Christian, I think that people mix politics, patriotism and religion into one bucket, in a way that is dangerous to their faith and religious interests. I think Christians, like anyone else should vote, but I think they should do more than consider the denomination or the most recent pandering of whatever politician has a name on the ballot. Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter both at one point claimed the same denomination that I belong to, and that wouldn't move me to vote for them one way or the other especially with the benefit of hindsight, so why would pick a future leader that way? |
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